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Youth work

Discovering the opposite sex and one's own sexuality, being in a relationship for the first time - all this is part of being a teenager. It can and should be a good experience. But how do you build healthy relationships? What does it mean to set boundaries and keep them? How does it protect you against being exploited in a “loverboy” or any kind of a relationship?

These topics are relevant for all young people. It is important to have a good foundation to build on. Part of our material is also to address and think about such issues.

Do you want to educate students about “loverboys” and human trafficking? Do you want your young people to deal with the topic of relationships? Then you have two options.


Our Material

Our Material ©2013 Blickfeld Menschenhandel e.V. is designed to enable educational professionals to familiarise themselves with the topic. The material booklet is a manual for independent implementation. However, we recommend that you attend one of our regular training sessions to best address the topic. You can also invite us to train your staff.

→ You find Germany wide trainings here

Invite us

Book us or our trained Multipliers*, to conduct the workshop. In doing so, we can respond to your concerns individually and also adapt to your time schedule.

Request & Contact

If you have any further questions or would like to request us for training, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Netzwerk gegen
Menschenhandel e.V.
c/o Zieher Business Center
Uhlandstraße 20 - 25
10623 Berlin

Postfach 58 02 24
10412 Berlin

Telefon: +49 (0) 157 50437533

Account Information:

Spar-& Kreditbank Bad Homburg

IBAN DE81 5009 2100 0001 5292 00

